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Your Spiritual Fitness Program

Your Spiritual Fitness Program

One of the reasons I love writing about health and in particular the exercise component, is because of the amazing parallels we can make with our spiritual life! Yes, I do believe that stewarding our health is a heart matter---one that God indeed cares about, but I also believe that God has given us this very practical example to help drive in spiritual insight.

I love listening to podcasts while I walk, run, meal prep, or clean the house and one of my favorites is Revive Our Hearts. I heard this small tidbit one day that really hit home with me and I'm sure it will with many of you. Personally, I feel like God has been putting me through a bit of a spiritual fitness program, as Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth describes it as, over the past 8 months. It has caused me to go deeper in my faith and endure waiting, patience and silence so when I heard this, it was such a great encouragement to me.

Nancy says this,

"Endurance is built little by little by pressing through the difficulties. God may be leading you through the trial because He has bigger battles for you up ahead. Maybe He's training you for a marathon.
When God led the children of Israel out of slavery in Egypt, He knew they were going to battle some giants so he led them into the desert to teach them endurance. It turned out to be a spiritual fitness program."

So my question to you today is this, are you in the middle of a spiritual fitness program? Is God trying to increase your endurance and are you trying to fight it or allow the process to unfold? Are you putting to use your training gear (prayer, God's Word, worship, and accountability) or is it in the corner piling up dust? Can you see beyond your current circumstances into something deeper He may calling you to? 

This training program will look different for each of us. We each come into this race with different goals, resources, strengths and weakness and personalities. Our very good, all-knowing Trainer has the program already mapped out, so are you ready to engage in it? We are never left alone and our Trainer never leaves our side! We are made for more and it's go time, friends!



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