10 Classic Books to Inspire Imagination in Your Child

From the time my kids were old enough to sit for just a minute on my lap, we have been reading books as a family. We started with board books when they were really little and then moved on to longer more diverse literature as they have grown.

But there are some books that we read no matter what the age because they are just that good. Here is a list of some of my very favorite classic books to inspire imagination in your child!

How I Stay Off My Own Naughty List

The Christmas season is full of so much fun! Sometimes, let's face it: too much. We've all struggled with overcommitment, too-busy schedules and events that leave all the kids crying on the way home because they are just so tired from all.the.things. Today, we're sharing a plan to have an intentional holiday as a whole family, and determine how you want to spend this season doing what really matters most.

Five Fun Christmas Traditions for Tweens

As our kids grow older, their interests change—including their enthusiasm for family traditions. While the Elf on the Shelf or the Little People nativity set might once have been highlights of December family time, these days our tweens may appreciate more “mature” family activities. Here are a few of our favorites!

Your Kids Need You - there is no better mom for the job

Do you ever feel like someone else could do your job better? Parent your kids with more patience? Respond with more understanding? Do all the things you do with more success? God chose you to be the perfect mom for your kids. It’s true! And more than that, he has promised to equip you for the work he called you into. So, today, let's learn how to trust His plan and see how He supplies all we need.