Is Self-Care a Bad Word?

Is self care just another way to say “me time?”  Is it how we moms justify selfishness, or does it hold a proper place in our spiritual lives? Here’s God’s heart for your rest, and your flourishing. Spoiler alert- it may include a nap!

A Prayer for Upside-Down Days

Motherhood is filled with unexpected and upside-down days when our plans go awry, and nothing goes right. God is near on those days too. Here is our prayer for you as you walk in them.

Mombarded: One Step to Being a Better Mom

The quest to be a better mom can easily turn into a pattern of striving for behavior change, getting frustrated when we mess up, giving up, and feeling guilty before we strive again. But that’s not the way it’s supposed to be! Come discover what you truly need in this season of parenting.