Hi, friend!

Hi friend! I am so glad you have stopped by the site. We have such a wonderful community of moms here and we would LOVE for you to join us as we share life and learn together!

BIG NEWS---Introducing our new mentorship course!!

BIG NEWS---Introducing our new mentorship course!!

Cue the confetti!!! I’m so excited to announce the NEW Fall Mentorship Course!

Do you want to see what we’ll be studying next??

CLICK HERE to take a peek!

This mentorship course is designed to provide biblically sound encouragement, teaching, and fellowship for women of all ages and stages of life. 

Three times each year we launch a new four-week program filled with wisdom and insight from God's Word as well as practical advice on how to apply the Bible to your everyday roles and relationships.

This is a place where you can come as you are, experience the love of God, connect with other women with similar joys and challenges, and experience lasting life-change.

Come discover the encouragement that's waiting for you over at our NEW Mentorship Course >> HERE!

We can't wait to meet you, inspire you, equip you, and experience the love of Christ together. Explore our NEW FALL course and join us on the journey toward a more fulfilling walk with God and better relationships with the people He has placed in your life.

This 4-Week Course begins Monday, October 4th!

Included in the course is a weekly live zoom call and if you can’t make it - no worries because it will be recorded and you can watch the playback. 

I really hope to see YOUR face there! 

Oh, and also invite a friend (or a group of friends) and join us for the NEW Fall Course >>> find all the details HERE!

With you,


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