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Learning to Pray Outside the Box (how God can show up when you least expect it)

Learning to Pray Outside the Box (how God can show up when you least expect it)

Prayer can seem so elusive at times. Does what we pray even matter? Is God really listening? Not only that, we all tend to categorize our prayer requests into human-sized boxes! Possible, likely, impossible...Like we might just disappoint ourselves …

It was one of those double-shift mom nights. The ones where just as our head hits the pillow, bone-weary and tired from a full day’s work, a child requires our care through the night.

Have you experienced one (or many) of these?

One night, in particular, stands out above the rest. Our young daughter had a persistent cough for hours. I have never experienced anything like it before or since. She coughed and coughed with barely a second in between. Her body was exhausted, and my mind screamed for it to stop. Neither one of us could get any rest.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

Come to me.

I knew who I could go to for rest, but was it applicable in this situation?

It wouldn’t hurt to try, right? After all, He is God and I have been to the hospital enough to know there is little they can do for a cough. If He can calm the wind and waves, surely, He can silence my daughter’s cough.

So, at three in the morning, this mama made a desperate plea. Lord, please allow us to get some rest. Her tiny body needs a break and I still have two toddler boys to tend to once the sun comes up (which is far too soon)! Please, let us sleep.

Another cough woke me - four hours later! She had not coughed again, and we had finally gotten some rest.

“And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” John 14:13

Ask in My name.

When my eyes opened and I realized what time it was, there was no doubt that we had experienced a miracle. He had immediately granted my request and although it has been many years since, He now receives the glory for doing so - because It. Was. Him.

Don’t we all tend to categorize our prayer requests into human-sized boxes? Possible, likely, impossible; and then determine whether we verbalize them or not based on where they fall on our own personal possibility-scale? Like we might just disappoint ourselves if we ask for something unlikely. But what if instead, we get to witness miracles?

“Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26

With God, ALL things are possible.

Whatever you need, whichever “box” you have placed your request in, take it to God. Ask in the name of His Son, Jesus, in faith - knowing that through Him, it IS possible.

He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young. Isaiah 40:11

Are you familiar with this special shout-out to those with children in the Bible? Does it not affirm how we should mother: gathering our children in our arms, carrying them close to our heart and gently leading them through life? Sisters, we serve a tender, loving, Almighty God who leads us by His own example.

No matter the situation we are in, it matters deeply to Him.


Heavenly Father, help us to run to you first with our problems no matter how impossible they may seem. You are with us, close to us and able to calm the seas of our storm. Thank you for this picture of how you tenderly care for us as we care for our children. Help us to share our stories of Your faithfulness so that the glory and honour can be Yours. Thank you that our concerns matter to you – regardless of the size and category we assign them. We ask these things in the precious name of Your Son, Jesus, Amen.

God bless you, dear one.

XO, Heidi

Have you experienced one of these little mothering miracles? We would love for you to share it with us in the comments so we can glorify God for His goodness and encourage each other to pray for the impossible.

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