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Mom, your life matters. You matter.

Mom, your life matters. You matter.

As moms we’re often so busy comparing ourselves to others we forget that we’re important—that we matter just as we are. Our worth as women goes beyond what we do. We are worthy beyond what we can accomplish.

Mom, do you truly believe that you matter to God today? Sometimes it takes a while for the truth to sink in, but once it does the truth will change everything. It matters.

Recently, I spoke at a women’s conference, encouraging moms. While I wanted to encourage moms to be all that God created them to be, there was another part of my message that resonated even more. “Mom, your life matters, you matter,” I told them. The words were barely out of my mouth when I heard the sniffles and saw women quickly wiping away the tears that managed to escape. My words hit a tender part of their hearts—and maybe yours, too.

You DO Matter

As moms we’re often so busy comparing ourselves to others we forget that we’re important—that we matter just as we are. Our worth as women goes beyond what we do. We are worthy beyond what we can accomplish. We forget how much we are loved by the Creator of the universe. We forget that deep down to the core Jesus loves us, just as we are and right at this moment.

You matter because you’re designed by God.

God created you and He loves you. He smiles when He sees you. It doesn’t matter to Him how much you’ve accomplished today. His love is not dependent on that what you do or don’t do.

For most of my life I had a hard time understanding that my worth wasn’t based on works. During my growing up years, I thought I had to be “the good kid” to earn God’s love. It was only as I really messed up (time and time again), that I realize God’s love doesn’t depend on me, but rather on Him. His love is an outpouring of His greatness and not on my goodness, and I’m so glad for that.

Take a moment and picture yourself sitting next to Jesus. Imagine Him looking at you with love in His gaze. He’s not concerned about your to-do list. He’s not worried if you weigh more than you wish or have more debt than you should. He loves you simply for you in this moment. “You matter,” He whispers, hoping it will penetrate to you heart.

You matter because God has good plans for you.

“God gives his children tasks to complete. Even in Eden he assigned the first man and woman the job of tending a garden,” writes Judith Couchman in her book, Designing a Woman’s Life. “But understanding our significance before we attempt accomplishment anchors the soul in an order uncommon to this world. First, we embrace our innate worth, then we pursue our unique purpose. After this, we tackle our work.”

Feel as if you’re not living up to your potential? Jesus can help you become more of the person he designed you to be. With Jesus's wisdom and guidance you can become the best version of yourself. You don’t matter because of what you do. Jesus’ love isn’t dependent on your works, but He does long to work alongside you.

Take a moment and imagine the good work God has planned for you. Instead of looking ahead toward the obstacles, glance over to the side. Jesus is there, ready to take every step with you and help you along the way.

You matter today.

Out of all the people on this earth God chose you to parent your children in this time in history. Your children will have a lot of friends, mentors, and teachers but you are their only mom. It’s easy to focus on your flaws, but your child sees something different. Your child loves you because you are you. Believe that you matter today.

Take a moment and imagine all you have to do for the rest of the day. How would all that you do change if you understood that God has given you today with your children … and with Him. Picture Jesus in the rest of your day and into tomorrow. Do you see the message in his gaze? “Today is what matters. You matter today.”

 When I speak with women these messages are often the ones they need to hear. Maybe you needed these words, too. If these truths haven’t penetrated your heart go back and read them again. Sometimes it takes a while for the truth to sink in, but once it does the truth will change everything. It matters.

Walking With Him,

Tricia Goyer

Out of all the people on this earth God chose you to parent your children in this time in history.

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