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Teaching Your Kids Peacemaking in a Hostile World

Teaching Your Kids Peacemaking in a Hostile World

“Do all you can to live in peace with everyone.”

               -Romans 12:18

They were at it again. I could hear them from upstairs. Was this normal for siblings? My brother was so much older than I was that I basically grew up as an only child. I didn’t have anyone to bicker with, but my kids sure did it – a lot. It’s like they have a natural ability to poke each other with their words and their actions. And they actually enjoy doing it.

As I headed into the conflict zone for the umpteenth time that day, I thought about Romans 12:18. I also thought about Proverbs 17:1,

“Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife.”

Oh, how true.

If I could train my kids to be peacemakers, not only would our home be more pleasant, but so would our hostile world.

3 Ways to Encourage Peacemaking in Your Kids

Teaching our kids to respond peacefully when others stir up conflict doesn’t mean they need to be weak or meek. But they don’t need to be aggressive either.

Here are three ways that you can encourage your kids to be peace-minded. 

1.      Tackle the heart. As Christians, we understand that our hearts are sinful and selfish. Talk to your kids about the behavior choices they make and how it stems from a desire to get what we want – no matter what the cost. Teach them that Jesus instructed us to overcome these desires and seek the good of others in the same way we seek good for ourselves.

2.      Encourage compromise. Children need to learn the rule of negotiation and compromise. Sometimes they’ll need to let the other person lead. Let them know that is not a sign of weakness but strength. As long as they are not compromising their Christian values, it should be encouraged.

3.      Instruct in forgiveness. Learning to let go of the hurts we have is difficult. But, to live peacefully, we need to become masters of forgiveness. Training your kids to walk in forgiveness will bless them and others. They won’t become stuck in bitterness that can hinder their connection to God and each other.

Making it Work

Guiding our children’s character is one of the most challenging things to do as a parent. But it is also one of the most important tasks. Training our kids to be peacemakers may be just the thing that this hostile world needs. It is definitely what they need to know as they move through their lives and walk with Jesus.


Chandra Philip

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