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Discovering Bright Spots  In a Long Winter: How to be Light for Others This Season

Discovering Bright Spots In a Long Winter: How to be Light for Others This Season

Fog is rolling in the valley below our home and mist is gathering among the trees just outside my window. I haven’t seen the sun in days. This is par for the course in the wintertime of the Pacific Northwest, but my soul hasn’t quite caught up with the landscape.

The beginning of our chilly days are filled with so much warmth, and so much joy as we approach the holidays, that after all the decorations find their way back to their giant bins in the garage, and after all the twinkle lights are tucked away, I can feel a little glum. I’m guessing you can relate?

In this midwinter season, when most of us have some distance left before a true Spring emerges, its important to find the bright spots, the cheer, and all the light we can. I love the reminder in Genesis, when reading of the Creation of the whole Universe, that God made light long before he hung the sun and moon and stars. And all things were made through his Word, Jesus. Isn’t it amazing to know that even in the season when the sun is hidden from us, the Son, who is the Light of the World is revealed so perfectly?

And Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

We have the light of life! And we not only have it for ourselves but to bear unto the whole world with the grace and love God has given to us. This is the very heart of our calling to be a light in the world.

I find that whatever I feel a longing for, or wherever I feel there is a lack or a comfort required, it is often at those times that God whispers to me that He himself is the source of that desire and need. Through the years it has become a pattern for me to run to Him with all my hurts and with my emotions, and especially with my fears that the darkness is too great and that I am struggling as I wait for springtime in various seasons of my life that have felt like long spiritual winters of the soul.

There is a secret that I believe can help us quite a bit as we wait for warmer days. Whether you are feeling the cold sting of a spiritual winter in your own life or just longing for the actual sunshine to come, it’s helpful to remember that others around you feel the strain of dark days too.

You’ve probably heard that the science behind increasing your own happiness, health, and sense of well being are all rooted in serving others. But the modern researchers may fail to miss that this is a truth found in God’s word as well.

1 Peter 4:10 says that each of us should use whatever gift we have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in us! So in these days until Spring and hope blossom, outside, let’s shine the light of Christ on those around us.

Here are a few ideas to love the people around you and discover the bright spots of the long winter:

-Write notes to those friends and family that have poured into your life. Thank them for their presence, their talents, their time and their investment in you. Involve your children and help them form a habit of sending happy mail too. I highly recommend adorning envelopes with stickers before sending them in the post-it just makes the whole experience of letter writing that much more fun!

-Pay for the coffee of the person behind you in line at Starbucks or buy a few $5 gift cards to hand out when you see another tired mom or meet someone who seems like they could use a pick-me-up.

-Look for ways to serve as a family. So many organizations are struggling with resources this time of year, look for causes that are important to you and find ways to get involved. Serving can be simple too-offer to clean up after an event, in the Sunday School area at your church, or by staying late and taking on the dirty jobs that often struggle to get filled by volunteers.

-Pray. Even if you can’t get out of your home, or add anything else into your routine, all of us can take the time to bring the hearts and lives of others before the throne of God. And yet, it’s something that we can so easily forget to do! Take 5 minutes to pray for the hurts you see around you and hear about in the world today. Ask God to give you a passion for His people and to intercede on their behalf.

Until Spring sweet friends,

Kristen Kill


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