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Ten Biblical Steps for Peace in Uncertain Times

Ten Biblical Steps for Peace in Uncertain Times

When we are flooded with uncertainty, we can look to the Lord for peace. The Bible gives a clear path to that peace that we can follow. Here are ten steps we can take together to transform our worries into praises!

What. A. Year!!

Eventually, I lost track of the number of moments that left me floundering; gasping for breath and desperately reaching for an anchor to cling to. Butterflies made a permanent home in my stomach, accompanied by a relentless sense of dread, discomfort, and occasionally, despair.

Those fluttering wings multiplied as I rounded the corner of a grocery aisle to nearly empty shelves.

As I scrolled through the news, scanning grim headlines and bleak statistics.

When we realized the quarantine would be much longer than two weeks.

Rereading the email confirming my husband was no longer employed.

As we listed our home – with nowhere to go.

Maternal concern for the wellbeing of our children grew, especially after we had to say goodbye to our beloved family dog.

And when we needed the support of our family most, we were unable to get to them as the services we took for granted, shut down. No flights. No vacations. No annual family visit.

Yes, we’re all in this 2020 boat together and though our personal struggles differ, we have all been affected by it. I know you, sweet reader, have a story too.

What is a girl to do when flooded by uncertainty?

Let me share how our good, good Father anchored my heart and soul, banishing those butterflies to their true home; backyard gardens and wildflower sprinkled fields.

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you. Philippians 4:4-9

This is a powerful passage that, when studied closely, outlines the path we can follow that leads to peace.

Step 1 – Rejoice.

Step 2 – Rejoice some more!

Step 3 – Stay calm.

Step 4 – Don’t worry about anything.

Step 5 –Pray, with thanksgiving.

Step 6 – Surrender all your concerns to God.

Step 7 – The peace of God will guard our hearts and minds.

Step 8 – Focus on what is praiseworthy.

Step 9 – Put into practice what we know of God.

Step 10 – The God of peace will be with us.

And those steps can be simplified into this little reminder;

Praise, prays, praise brings peace to our days!

What is worthy of praise? Let’s take another look at the worries I mentioned earlier.

There were empty shelves, but still more than enough food.

Bad news dominated the headlines, but the Bible is full of good news.

Although it has not been easy, quarantine has also given us the precious gift of unhurried, family time.

Despite a job loss, our family’s needs have been generously provided for.

Loss is a devastating part of life. Treasure the moment and then the memories.

We may not be able to be together physically, but technology connects us while we’re apart.

The peace of God transforms our rivers of worry into springs of praise.

Sometimes our situation makes it difficult (seemingly impossible) to rejoice. What about the desperate moments when all we can do is weep?

Let other believers do it on our behalf by asking for prayer and listening to praise music. This practice consistently returns me to a place of rejoicing. 2020 has not been my favorite year, but it has still been a year worthy of praise.

Precious sister, let’s praise God together for all He has done, is doing, and will do.

Heavenly Father, thank you for another year on Your beautiful creation. Thank you that the sun rises every morning, declaring Your majesty. Thank you for the millions of people who have fully recovered from Covid-19 and the medical staff who work tirelessly to save lives. Thank you for essential workers that continue to keep food on our tables. Thank you that we can count on you to provide our every need. But at the same time, Father, we are deeply concerned for our world. We pray for your comfort to surround those who have lost loved ones. We pray for your peace for fill those who are fearful. We pray for your love to encourage those who feel hopeless. We pray that many will hear the Gospel and lives will be forever changed, in Your name, for your glory. Multiply the workers, Lord. Strengthen Your people. By Your power within us, help us to remain faithful in the coming days, weeks, and years. We thank you, that despite the uncertainty we face, the Bible declares truth; You alone hold the future. Thank you that through praise and prayer, we can exchange all our worries for Your peace. In the precious name of Your son, Jesus, Amen.

May the Lord bless you and keep you.

XO, Heidi

When we are flooded with uncertainty, we can look to the Lord for peace. The Bible gives a clear path to that peace that we can follow. Here are ten steps we can take together to transform our worries into praises!

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