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Remembering the Big Picture When You Can't See What's Ahead

Remembering the Big Picture When You Can't See What's Ahead

In the middle of suffering, it can feel impossible to see God's big picture. The struggle with sin and the brokenness in the world is a real battle, but we aren't fighting this battle alone. Here's more on how we can change our perspective in the midst of our struggles!

Years ago, a man in our church went through a significant financial crisis. In danger of losing a lot, maybe losing it all, he felt overwhelmed and paralyzed. He was describing to us recently how everything felt impossible. He felt abandoned. Alone. Even opening his Bible felt pointless. All he wanted was to get back to his life before the trial. Before the interruption.

We’ve felt that. You probably have, too. For all of us, it’s always helpful to stop in the middle of our mess and remember the big picture—step back and ask ourselves who we were created to be and how we were supposed to relate to God. This might help us see what He wants and what He is trying to do in the middle of our suffering. Perspective is always good when pain hits.

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We Belong to God

The opening pages of the Bible remind us that we belong to God. He is the Creator; we are his creation. any life we have is from him, and we will one day return to him. We were made to live in relationship with God as a Father, through the Son, and in the power of the Holy Spirit. God is an eternal community of love. A relationship we share in by our faith in Jesus.

In Genesis 1:27, God said something stunning about us. We are made “in his own image.” We are made to know God, walk with God, and reflect who he is to the world. We were made to tell the truth with our lives about who God is. This is our fundamental identity. The point of our lives is to point others to Jesus and his kingdom.

One Act of Disobedience

We were made to be in a relationship of intimacy, trust, and dependence on God. A relationship where we rule with him and for him. God is our deepest source of being and in Him we find real joy and meaning. But it’s a relationship we know, from Genesis 3, didn’t remain as intended for long.

Sin entered the world from one act of disobedience. One act of distrust. One act of independence. And it changed everything.

It brought separation from God. Sin and its consequences invaded every corner of our existence. Everything from cancers to the weeds in your garden is a result of that first falling away.

Life is hard. The struggle with sin and the brokenness in the world is real. We are in a battle. But sin didn’t erase the image of God in us—it only distorted it. When God comes to us in Jesus, he comes to call us home, back to his loving rule, back to himself. Back to life. And back to being fully alive as humans made in the image of our Creator. Our deepest longing and satisfaction is found in knowing and loving God. As Augustine said, “Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee.”

Friend, that is the big picture for us to keep in mind. No matter what you are facing you can trust Him. If you need help in your struggle let us walk beside you with our guide towards hope and healing, In a Boat in the Middle of a Lake.



TBM Blog 2 (24).In the middle of suffering, it can feel impossible to see God's big picture. The struggle with sin and the brokenness in the world is a real battle, but we aren't fighting this battle alone. Here's more on how we can change our perspective in the midst of our struggles!

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