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4 Easy Ways to Slow Down and Soak up Summer With Kids

4 Easy Ways to Slow Down and Soak up Summer With Kids

Between the vacations, the pool days, the camps and the fun summer activities with kids, summer can fly by at a breakneck pace if we let it. Use these 4 tips to slow down, soak up the good things from summer, and truly rest.

School's out and while some moms are dreading summer, other moms are looking forward to all the fun things planned for their families.

But for some of us, summer is an opportunity to breathe; to rest from all the hustle. Maybe you are in that place--where you just need some space to breathe without planning out every moment of your summer days.

4 Tips to Slow Down, Soak Up Summer, and Rest

Slow Down Tip #1: Don't Be Afraid to Say No

Time is precious, and so is rest. It seems there is always something going on that we feel obligated to be a part of. But if we did everything within our scope of connections, we would never have time to just be.

We need to take charge of our schedules and be extremely selective about the activities we participate in. If you are looking for a season of refreshing and renewal, it's OK to say no and give yourself the permission to get the rest you need. {Remember, rest isn't just physical; it's also spiritual and emotional}.

Slow Down Tip #2: Make Time to Renew Your Spirit

Just as we need physical rest and refreshment, so do we also need spiritual rest and refreshment. Use the summer to dig further into God's Word and really just soak Him in. God invites us into rest and He wants to give it us...we just need to receive it!

Ruth Schwenk has some excellent devotionals to choose from.

Slow Down Tip #3: Press Pause on Some Projects

Rather than digging into more projects around the house, put a pause on them until the Fall. This frees up time doing things so you can be outside in the fresh air and not have to worry about all the things you are not doing. They will get done, but not during your short season of rest.

Go for walks. Lots of walks! Take the kids to the park or the pool or the beach. Sit in your front yard with a good book while your children play. Write down those things you feel you need to get done and tuck them away for the Fall.

Slow Down Tip #4: Flex and Rest

My pastor did a series on rest recently and he had a great analogy to help us understand the importance of rest.

When we are working hard constantly and never taking a break -- yes, even a seasonal one -- we aren't allowing ourselves to become stronger in the rest period. It's like your muscles. When you are working out your muscles, they are actually tearing and the only way for them to rebuild and become stronger is to allow them to rest again.

Use this summer to rest from the projects and the activities and find space to just be. You will be surprised at how rested and refreshed you will be when it's time to get back to work again in the Fall. You'll be ready!!

P.S. If you're a working mom and can't exactly take the summer off, here are some GREAT tips to help you survive summer!

Looking for Other Fun and Free Ways to Connect with Your Kids This Summer?

Check out these popular posts from The Better Mom to help you have the best summer with your kids!

  • How to Make Meaningful Memories This Summer: Some of the best memories that we’ve made together were just simple moments. It’s so easy to let simple moments pass us by and not cherish the time and memories we can make in those moments.  This post will show you how to pause in the moment and help make meaningful moments last. 

  • 6 Tips for a Simple and Stress Free Summer with Your Kids: Perhaps you are not as fun as you thought yourself to be, and you're summer is feeling more stressful than enjoyable. Here are 6 simple things to keep in mind that make a difference at our house...perhaps they will de-stress your summer too!

  • Make Great Memories With Your Family This Summer: Times have changed but one constant that remains – kids still love making memories with their family in the summer! Right now, your family is writing the story of memories that will stay with your kids for the rest of their lives. If you haven’t been able to enjoy time with your family yet, it’s not too late to make some great memories!

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For His Glory,
Christin Slade

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