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Making a Mom's Day Off Basket

Making a Mom's Day Off Basket

I can’t think of anything better than taking a day off, kicking up my feet, and letting someone else take care of the kids! Today, I welcome Karen Ehman, my dear friend, The Better Mom contributor and two-time co-author, to share a very creative way to make (and gift) a mom’s day off basket. -XO, Ruth 


The mom life is packed with activity. A woman might be a parent of a toddler who is potty-training or dealing with a teen who is in the middle of driver’s training. There are sporting events to cheer for, carpools to run, not to mention the killer dust bunnies and empty cupboards calling your name.

No matter the ages and stages of kiddos, one thing is certain: sometimes mom just needs a break!

Do you know a maxed-out mom that could use a day off? Help to lighten her load by gifting her with a day off from mothering by presenting her with a mom’s day off basket.

Here’s how it’s done: 

First, send a text message, email, handwritten note, or private message on social media to the deserving mom you know, saying something along these lines: (Tweak as needed to fit your situation and in keeping with your friend’s interests and likes.)


CONGRATULATIONS MOM! Due to your hardworking ways, constantly loving and caring for your children—I know, I’ve been watching—you have been selected to receive a mom’s day off. Here is how it works.

On the day of your choice, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., your kids will be treated to a day full of fun, healthy food, (well, and maybe one sweet treat) and loving care while you are treated to a day ALL TO YOURSELF! On this day you may not do any of the following activities:

·      Watch children
·      Clean the house
·      Grocery shop
·      Cook food
·      Wash, dry, or fold laundry
·      Pay bills
·      Run errands
·      Or any other such normal “mom” activities

 Instead, here is a list of the suggested things you could do.

·      Curl up on the couch and read a book (not a parenting one, silly. One you want to read!)
·      Go shopping for something for yourself
·      Go out for coffee or grab lunch with a friend
·      Stroll an art gallery or historical museum
·      Take in a movie you want to see but your husband wouldn’t care for
·      Take a bubble bath while listening to relaxing music
·      Spend time alone with God reading your Bible or a devotional or writing your prayers in a journal.
·      Crawl under the covers and take a nap!
·      Any other activity of your choosing

Please look over your calendar for the next month and reply letting me know a few days that might work for your day off. I will get back with you shortly to confirm the date. I can’t wait to give you a much-needed break. I will be showing up on the designated morning with a mom’s day off basket for you as I whisk your children off for a day of delightful play. Prepare for both you and your darlings to be pampered!


Now, while waiting to set up the details of pick up and drop off of your friend’s children, get your mom’s day off basket ready. You will fill it with all of the needed items to help her experience a relaxing day.

First, purchase an appropriately sized basket to house your gift. It can be a traditional wicker or wooden one or even something more modern made from trendy metal or rustic fabric. It doesn’t have to be a brand new one. Check resale shops and thrift stores too.

Next, fill it with any of the following suggested items or ones you think of yourself. You know your friend best!

·      Bubble bath, a charcoal mask, mint foot lotion, or other pampering beauty product
·       A new bottle of nail polish
·      Fuzzy socks or a cozy throw to wrap up in
·      A journal, new pen, or pack of whimsical notecards
·      A devotional (The Better Mom Devotional has just released and is a great choice)!
·      A fiction book she might enjoy
·      Treats like some fancy chocolates or crunchy kale chips—you know what your friend would appreciate most
·      A new mug or water bottle
·      Some bags of herbal teas or a bag of flavored ground coffee
·      A new scarf or pair of earrings
·      A gift card to a local coffee shop or quaint bistro for lunch out

On the designated day, arrive with your basket in hand. Take your friend’s kids for the day and leave her alone with ten hours all to herself!

Motherhood can often leave a woman worn-out and feeling depleted. Your thoughtful gesture of creating space in your schedule to care for her children to make sure she gets a break will be a gift she won’t soon forget!

P.S. We’re celebrating the release of The Better Mom Devotional with incredible giveaways HERE on the blog and HERE on Instagram. Don’t miss out!

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