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Dear Mom of Teenage Boys

Dear Mom of Teenage Boys

For those of you navigating the not-so-easy teen years, Nikki McCullough, The Better Mom contributor, is sharing three things to help get you through them. -XO, Ruth


Dear Mom of Teenage Boys,

Remember the moment you found out you were having a precious baby boy? Maybe you were like me and found out as soon as you could. Or maybe you wanted to be surprised and wait for delivery. Either way, being a mom of boys is such a gift.

I always thought I wanted a boy AND a girl so I could experience the best of both worlds. But God had different plans. Looking back now I realize how silly it was that I was momentarily disappointed when I found out I was having another boy. Because now I’m able to see just one more thing God has blessed me with. Though they fight often, they are best friends. Though they rejoice when they get time away from one another, they are always watching the clock waiting for the other to come home. God is so good to us, isn’t He? 

But, dear moms, it’s not easy raising teenage boys. Gone are the days of running after them as they head for the nearest pile of dirt. Now, instead of wiping dirt off their sweet, chubby little hands, we’re begging them to take showers and brush their teeth like normal humans (enter eye roll). And instead of disciplining them for not sharing their toys, we are disciplining them for far more serious things that can shape their entire life. And right before our very eyes, our once little boys are now turning into grown men. And some days we feel like we just can’t even go on…that one more “issue” might just push us over the edge. But that would be the enemy whispering those thoughts. So let’s hang onto truth as we raise these boys into men. Because this world NEEDS more strong men to be spiritual leaders in their homes. 

Here are three things I am doing as I navigate through the rough teenage years:

  1. I pray for their future. I pray the decisions they make NOW as a teenager impacts their future in a positive way. I pray for their wife, whoever that may be! I pray for her heart and protection over her. And I pray that God would help me to trust HIM. I am realizing (a little too slowly admittedly) that God loves these boys even more than I do. So why would I not trust Him and His plans for my boys?

  2. I always pray for them to get caught when they make bad decisions. I know that may sound strange, but how can they learn from their mistakes if they aren’t caught? And you now what? God has already answered these prayers and amazing things have happened.

  3. We talk – openly and honestly – and often. Our most memorable times together have simply been when our entire family just stops and pauses to just talk. You would be amazed at what your kids want to tell you if you just take the time to listen. 

There is nothing easy about this season of parenting, but with some patience and prayer you can get through this!  Because…well….GOD! 



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