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Faith That Sticks {Review and Giveaway!}

When I was a middle and high school student, I used to love collecting stickers. I had so many that my children were able to enjoy much of my collection!

We just LOVE the stickers from the Faith That Sticks collection. They carry meaning for my children beyond simple stickers.

They have Old and New Testament stories with varying graphic designs. Some look more realistic while others are more on the cartoon side for younger children. 


My children have used the stickers in a variety of ways such as decorating journals and their daily clip boards. But one of my favorites is the "Mommy, I'm Bored" box.

The "Mommy, I'm Bored!" Box

the Mommy I'm Bored Box.jpg

My children took an oatmeal container and covered it with butcher paper. They decorated the outside with "Faith That Sticks" stickers and wrote "Mommy, I'm Bored!"

Inside, they put in varying activities based on the ages represented. Each stick was color-coded accordingly. Everyone pitched in with their ideas!

There are a variety of ways to utilize these fun stickers!!

13 Ways to Use "Faith That Sticks" Stickers

  1. Chore Charts
  2. Behavior Charts
  3. Prizes for anything (rather than candy)
  4. Scripture memorization charts
  5. On Homemade greeting cards
  6. Decorate Journals
  7. Make Homemade Games
  8. Certificates
  9. Scrapbooks
  10. To Develop Fine Motor Skills in Toddlers
  11. To Create/Retell Stories
  12. To Make Magnets
  13. To Make a Sticker Book


We're giving away a BUNDLE OF STICKERS to one winner here at

The Better Mom!

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