All tagged Parenting Principles

When the Formula For Raising Your Child Isn't Working

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6

Many of us wrongly interpret this verse and put undue pressure on ourselves to find the perfect formula to raise the perfect child. But God. His ways are better than ours and we can trust Him.

Lynn Cowell shares beautiful wisdom today for all of us moms who feel frustrated that our formula isn't working...

The Keeper of Your Child's Dream

The imaginations of our children hold immense possibility- and perhaps even dreams and callings for the future work God has for their lives. Be encouraged today in your role, mama- you are the steward of these tender hearts and God’s purposes for them!

The Best (and Most Resisted) Words a Mama Can Say: "Help. I don't know what I'm doing."

Death can provide an exclamation point on a life that was already expressing the glory of God. 

My friend passed between that one-day-will-be-thin sheath of death and life and I tried to remember if I'd ever told her how much of an imprint she'd left upon me.

Claire and I shared a small city but couldn't have been more different, back then. She had six children. I had none. My womb was empty -- and sometimes I wore a suit to work. I was fumbling through my twenties, both unsure of myself and also overconfident and she had bigger concerns than her weekend plans. She'd earned her grey hair.

My daughter just received two Grammy nominations. I'm as thrilled as any mother would be, but honestly, I'm not surprised at all. I'm not surprised because from the time she was little I knew my daughter was on this earth for a reason and with a divine purpose. She was here, not randomly or by chance, but to change the world.

Your child is here to change the world too!