All tagged Mom Guilt

When Your Dreams Grow Faster Than Your Kids

As moms, sometimes we have to say “no” to what we want for the benefit of those we love. There isn’t enough time to do all we want and our kids come first. This is a tough reality, but we can find comfort because God's plans are always better than our dreams!

The Great Oxymoron: Moms and Self Care

As moms, we often don’t have time for self-care. As Christian moms, we can even feel guilty or indulgent when we try to make time for ourselves. Our culture promotes self-care and defines it as me-time, retail therapy, and time at the spa as a means to regenerate. But what if there is something we are missing? What if self-care means something different than we’ve been led to believe?

4 Steps to Help Your Children Fight the Comparison Trap

We’ve all been there, the comparison trap. That place where we don’t feel good enough, where our standards and expectations of ourselves meet who we really are. That place where we look at what others are doing with their kids or what we think they are doing, and we feel like a failure. Social media perpetuates this comparison trap and we fall for the bait over and over again. 

The comparison trap is a very real place and we are all tempted to fall into it. Whether it be comparing our marriages, jobs, families, children, churches, you name it. But what we don’t often realize in the midst of fighting the good fight against falling into this trap, is that our children are also being tempted to fall into it as well.