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25 Ways to Breathe Life Into Your Day

25 Ways to Breathe Life Into Your Day

Do you go through your day drained and exhausted? As a mom of ten kids, I understand. There is always so much to do, it’s hard to slow down … let alone stop to catch a breath. But as moms we need that. We need refreshment. We need joy. We need to find ways to breathe life into our days.

Here are ways to do that:


Recharging is taking our focus off of all the tasks and doing something that we enjoy. It’s filling up after being poured out. It’s engaging our bodies, our minds and our senses. Here are some ways to recharge:

1. Take a walk

2. Enjoy a cup of tea

3. Listen to your favorite soundtrack

4. Tend your garden

6. Take a nap

7. Listen to an inspiring podcast

8. Listen to a Psalm on the Bible App

Be Inspired

The word inspiration means “breath of God.” We can breathe life into our day by allowing God to breathe into the moment. It’s taking our minds off the to-dos and stress around us and remembering that God is right there with us, loving us. Here are some ways to be inspired:

9. Imagine God whispering, “I love you” into your ear.

10. Read two Scriptures and write down what encourages you about them.

11. Thank God for ten things in your life.

12. Picture God in heaven singing over you.

13. Listen to worship music … and sing along.

14. Write in your journal.


Connection is being present to the people around us—whether in person or on the other end of the phone. We can even find connection by pausing to enjoy a moment with a pet: Here are some ways to connect.

15. Play or pet your dog.

16. Tickle your toddler

17. Write a note to encourage a friend

18. Help someone else

19. Text a two-line love note to your husband

20. Chat or vox with a friend.

Step Out

It’s foolish to think that we are only refreshed when we stop doing stuff. Sometimes we are refreshed when we start … start dreaming, start creating white space, start following a passion. Here are some ways to step out:

21. Take one small step toward a long-time goal

22. Dream up a new project

23. Do one brave thing

24. Brainstorm a solution to a current problem

25. Cut out one thing from your schedule

Pause right now and think about the rest of your week. Then pick at least one thing to do each day. You’ll be amazed how even these little things can bring instant refreshing!

Here’s to breathing with you!

Tricia Goyer, triciagoyer.com

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