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Spending Time With Him for Our Strength {and a sweet devo to add to your day}

Spending Time With Him for Our Strength {and a sweet devo to add to your day}

“Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” Gal. 5:24-25

I vividly remember the first time I read that verse as a new Christian. I was a teenager in my Senior year of High School. When I read the words “keep in step with the Spirit” they resonated with me deeply. In the years leading up to my conversion I had kept in step with my own will and desires. This was a giant shift of perspective. But one that made complete sense to me. I wanted to follow Him with my whole heart.

As the years have gone by (I have been following Christ for over twenty years!) I understand now more than ever how keeping in step with the Spirit impacts your entire life. It is a daily “keeping in step” that changes us and makes us more like Jesus. We aren’t doing life in our own strength and wisdom. We are to humbly ask the Holy Spirit to fill us, giving us the power and wisdom to accomplish all that is before us.

So how do we do that? What does it look like? In order to find our strength in the Him, it requires us:

Spending Time with Him - Yes, this may seem redundant and obvious, but we actually have to take the time out of our day to spend time with Him. Whether that is first thing when you wake up or a different time throughout the day, make it the most important priority at the top of your list for life. Otherwise you will continue to push this time aside. Trust me, I’ve been there!

Resting in Him - How many times do we just stop and sit quietly before Jesus? This is a really hard one for me because I like to check things of the list. But God wants me to actually sit still and rest. I don’t have to have a whole big quiet time full of Bible studies and books every single time. Sometimes it is good for me to just still myself.

Learning from Him - Learning is active. It is more than just reading or writing a Bible verse down. It is actually taking time to learn my Bible and the things He wants to teach me. When we know Him we can feel a sense of assurance and strength because we know and understand who He is - His character.

Growing in Him - Growing is even more active. This is taking the things we’ve learned from Him and putting them into practice. As our faith becomes active we have the ability to put His strength on display because it is Him who works through us. We are “keeping in step with Him”.

As you know quiet times and pressing pause on the busyness of life to sit and learn from Him is something I talk about a lot. It is my firm belief that how we start our day is how our day goes. I’ve seen it personally in my own life. When my day starts off rocky and not rested in Him, I can almost guarantee I will feel that way the entire day. It always take me pausing, gathering my thoughts and re-orienting my focus to finish the day off well.

As I talk about quiet times and finding our strength in Him, I have two sweet devotionals to share with you today. Diving into God’s Joy and Drawing From God’s Love. These are 31 Day Devotional Books for people of all ages.

They are ADORABLE. Seriously!

Alicia Young is a talented (like SUPER talented) artist who draws the loveliest illustrations throughout these devotionals. I love how unique and original they are and how Alicia points us back to who God is with personal life experiences and Scripture. I also LOVE the Scripture memorization cards to cut out in the back.

If you are looking for a sweet gift for a tween/teen or a devo for yourself, these are unique devotionals to brighten any day.

AND do you see the enamel pin in the pic above?! SO cute! My favorite is the hedgehog! You can purchase the enamel pins with the books as bundle packages.

Each book is signed on the copyright page and she adds a unique little drawing of the hedgehog character Mr. Hedgie! (so adorable!) She is also happy to personalize the books and add in a special note if you ask when you order through her Etsy shop (just send a quick note and tell her which name to put on the book and whether you want a special note written to the recipient)

Here is where you can find Alicia’s art and devos! or all the info on Alicia here!

Recently, a friend of ours was preaching at church and he simply said to the congregation, “You should read your Bible. Just spend five minutes each day and it will change your life.”

How simple and true. Spending time with Him and keeping in step with Him should be the most important thing to us. How easily we forget.

So today I want to ask you: What are you trying to accomplish in your own might, power, or strength? Have you actually spent time with the One whose power you need?

Before you start your day, rest and return to the right Source. I am confident you will find God sufficient!



Disclosure: I was given these devotionals in exchange for my honest opinion. Many thanks to AliciaYoungArt.com for sponsoring this post.

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