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When Moms Need to Let Go

When Moms Need to Let Go

Letting to can be oh so hard. Today, I welcome Kristen Kill, The Better Mom contributor, to encourage moms who are in the season of letting go of their children as they launch into adulthood. -XO, Ruth


One week ago today, my husband and I drove away from my oldest daughter's University, leaving her in her new dorm room, pictures of family and landscapes of home hanging on the wall, and soft new bedding to help her feel cozy. 

As we drove in the twilight, I couldn't help wondering if a warm blanket and a few throw pillows, however lovingly selected, were really up to the task. You see, for 17 years, making her cozy has been my job. Helping her feel safe and warm as a tiny baby in my arms, making sure her tummy was full, that she had her special music next to her as she fell asleep at night; Helping her recover from falls and mending scrapes on her knee and on her heart; Struggling over math problems and friendship woes, talking about her relationship with God, her hopes for the future and how to make wise choices. 

Moms are meant to be soft landing places for our children. We create and nurture home. And our kids return to us again and again, sometimes wanting so much from us we aren't sure there is anything left to give. The days feel long and time becomes warbled and we think this season of pouring out and pouring in to the lives of our young children will truly last forever.

Until its time for us to let go.

If you're like me, you might experience a bit of shock, awe, pride, and sadness. Launching our children well is a paradox. We are thrilled for them, cheering for them, and aching for them in our homes again all at the same time. Among the mix of emotions that is sure to accompany this milestone, there is one trait that I pray remains for each one of us: Peace.

I pray the peace that surpasses all understanding will fill your heart as you say goodbye. I pray that God will give you confidence that the years you've spent investing in your children will continue to bear fruit. I pray that you will know that although you care deeply for their safety and comfort, God promises to be their shelter and their shield. He covers them in his presence.

Moms, when its time to let go, know that your children are still held, still cared for, and still known deeply by their Father in Heaven, who loves them perfectly even when they step outside of the cozy of our homes. 

May the season that they, and we, embark on help us run ever swiftly into his tender and loving arms.




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