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When You Don't Feel Like Being a Mom

When You Don't Feel Like Being a Mom

“Whoever loses their life for my sake will find it ”—MATTHEW 10:39

What do you do when you don’t feel like being a mom? How do you handle those days, weeks, or maybe months when you secretly wish you were doing anything else but changing diapers, chauffeuring kids, and listening to sibling squabbles?

I thought motherhood would always come easily. I imagined that the mothering instinct to love, care for, and nurture would be continually present and consistent. It would always feel natural. But I was wrong. The truth is, from time to time, a lot of moms don’t want to be moms.

In Matthew, Jesus gave us a helpful, if not hard, reminder.

The problem is not in our parenting; the problem is in our hearts.

Being a mom isn't what satisfies our hearts; it’s knowing and serving Christ. What quenches the thirst we all feel is walking in obedience wherever God has us.

As God is patiently growing us and transforming us, He is changing us from the inside out. He gently redirects us from what we think we want to what He knows we actually need. Our hearts will always be restless and wandering until we learn that only hungering and thirsting for God will truly satisfy.

When we don’t feel like being moms, we need to remember the problem is not motherhood; the problem is how we view what will truly satisfy. The blessed life, the abundant life (John 10:10), is not found in doing what we want. It’s found, Jesus said, in giving our lives away. It’s found in sacrificially loving and serving. We find life when we lose our lives. The good life is found in loving God and others, even when we don’t always feel like it! The promise, though, is good. He has promised to satisfy us with good things, even better things than what we thought.

Let’s pray this today: Father, fill me with good things. Forgive me for often pursuing what I want, rather than what You want for me. Teach me to desire You. I know that only You can truly satisfy my soul. Come and fill me today with Your love, joy, and peace. In Jesus’ name, amen.

A couple of questions to ponder:

• How have you ever struggled with not wanting to be a mom?

• What is one thing you can do today to hunger and thirst for God?


excerpt above is from my new devotional - read more below and enter the giveaway! :)

Change never happens by accident. Nor does it happen overnight. God graciously invites us into a new life rooted in Christ. It is a lifelong journey, where the Holy Spirit is transforming us from the inside-out, so that we increasingly experience the good life Jesus promised.

With 100 devotions, The Better Mom Devotional offers you a calm way to start your day, deepening your faith on this lifelong journey towards becoming more like Jesus. Each devotion, filled with Bible teaching, personal stories, and applications, will help you open your heart to experience more of God’s love, truth, and grace. 

I am so so thrilled to share my new devotional, The Better Mom Devotional: Shaping Our Hearts as We Shape Our Homes with you. When we take the time to pour into our own heart, the best of who we are can pour out to our family.

Becoming a better mom starts not with what we’re doing, but with who we are becoming. 

If you are ready to discover what God wants to do in you, you can grab your copy of The Better Mom Devotional in so many different places!


Barnes & Noble (or run to your local B&N and grab one!)



or anywhere books are sold. 

ALSO…..I have some fabulous giveaways going on right now to celebrate this new devotional! Be sure to check out “For the Mom Who Feels Overwhelmed” to enter to win a beautiful study Bible for women and the Becoming necklace, made by Fashion and Compassion, exclusively for The Better Mom Devotional launch!

GIVEAWAY NOW CLOSED. Congrats Mihaela Ionescu-Mares, Julie Flood Beebe and 
Brandi Shanholtz Collis.

Please send your mailing address to The Better Mom ministry assistant at kim@kimstewartva.com and we will get them to you. Enjoy!

TO CELEBRATE the launch of The Better Mom Devotional I have some fabulous giveaways for you! Today, I am giving away two surprises that are the perfect companion for your TBM Devo. Three women will win a bundle of these two beauties…

The Woman’s Study Bible

NIV, The Woman's Study Bible, Cloth over Board, Blue Floral, Full-Color, Red Letter: Receiving God's Truth for Balance, Hope, and Transformation

Becoming Necklace from Fashion and Compassion exclusively made for TBM DEVO


To Enter:

  1. Share this post on Facebook. Or you can share directly here.

  2. Leave a comment below with why you would love to win this Devotional & Bible.

It’s that easy! Giveaway ends Friday November 2nd. U.S. Addresses only please. Winner will be chosen, announced here, and notified Monday November 5th.


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