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4 Marriage Goals for the New Year

4 Marriage Goals for the New Year

One of the things that I love most about embarking upon a brand new year is a fresh start in every area of my life. From my walk with God to parenting to marriage; planning for a better year is something I get excited about.

Can you relate? 

And you know what else? I enjoy prayerfully setting marriage goals each year alongside my husband. We have learned that setting goals for our marriage is one of the things that has kept our marriage strong over the years. This month marks the 19th year of goal setting for our marriage and we couldn't be more thrilled. 

Do you set goals for your marriage? Looking for some goal-setting inspiration? Today I am sharing four marriage goals that will bless any Christian marriage. 

1. Communicate Well With God and One Another.

This is a big one. If you and your spouse are both communicating well with God; this will set you up for success in your marriage. When we communicate with God through prayer, worship, and reading His Word; we begin to hear His voice more clearly. When you and your spouse are able to discern God's voice, it is easier to make decisions and work through challenges together. 

In our devotional, Consecrated Conversations, my husband and I walk couples through 30 Scripture-focused conversations with God and one another. This book is a great tool to start off the New Year together leading to holy communication with God and each other.

2. Create Christ-Focused Plans.

While my husband and I love to plan; we know the importance of making sure those plans are centered on Christ. We start off our yearly planning sessions praying that God would give us the wisdom we need to plan out the year for His glory.

After praying we begin filling out our Goal Setting Planner for Couples. This planner allows us to narrow down our top 3 marriage goals, yearly goals, monthly goals, weekly goals, and daily goals. It helps us create our action plans and gives us the flexibility we need if plans change. It also encourages us to set up a year of dates which is another marriage blessing in itself!

3. Love One Another More Selflessly.

This is an ongoing goal for our marriage. God's love for us inspires us to continuously try harder to love each other selflessly. One of the main ways we do this is by meditating on verses about God's love. This gives us the inspiration and strength to see one other as God does; making it easier to love each other through the difficult seasons.

4. Be More Available to Help Other Couples.

This is a great goal to have as a married couple. There are so many marriages hurting and just a simple lunch date to encourage them and pray for them could give them the hope they need to keep going. We have found that by setting this goal God has been able to allow us to give back the encouragement and love we've received from others over the years. It is a great feeling to let God work through you to help encourage someone's marriage!

Setting marriage goals for the New Year is a wonderful way to be sure that your marriage grows and thrives every day. It gives you and your spouse the ability to work together to achieve the Christ-focused marriage you desire. And it feels so good to accomplish the goals you set together!

Happy Goal Setting!
Carlie Kercheval, Fulfilling Your Vowsโ„ข

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