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Mama's Horses and Chariots


Woe to them that go down to Egypt for help; and stay on horses, and trust in chariots, because thy are many; and in horsemen because they are very strong; but they look not unto the Holy One of Israel, neither seek the LORD! Isaiah 31:1

Moms are always searching.  We are looking for the perfect schedule, the perfect chore list, the perfect curriculum, the perfect gadget.  Whatever it takes to show us the way to what we long for most...peace and order.

These things are our horses and chariots.  They are our fast track to success.  We trust them.  We believe in them.  And we hope beyond hope that when we find just the right one, we will finally run our household like a well-oiled machine.

Woe to us!

We seek, but we do not find.  We are left wondering what went wrong.  We fail again and again and again.

All to often it is because we see our horses and chariots as the ultimate answer rather than as tools the Lord uses to bring that longed-for peace and order into our lives.

So, the next time you are tempted to trust in the horses and chariots of this world, remember this:

1.  Seek God first.  You may think you know what you need, but God really does know what you need.  Be diligent to pray for guidance as you look for answers to the issues you are facing.

2.  Be ready for an answer that never occurred to you.  Again, God knows better than you and His ways are not your ways.  Be still - with your ears and eyes open.

3.  Be willing.  Sometimes the answers are difficult to swallow.  It might require us to give up something we hold dear or add something to our day that seems impossible.  This is where faith comes in.  Let the Lord do the leading.  You do the following.

4.  Never forget that "horses and chariots" are simply tools.  Ultimately, even the best tools in the world will not save you.  Schedules fall by the wayside, advice falls short, and gadgets fall apart.  Put your trust where it truly belongs...in Him.

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