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5 Everyday Ways to Build Contentment

Wouldn't it be awesome to say that you are content without working at being content?   Unfortunately, that's not the case for me.  In fact, I doubt that's the case for most people.

Contentment is not a personality trait; contentment is a learned skill.  Paul mentions this fact in Philippians 4:11: "I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances."

Paul learned this skill through quite the mess of events- shipwrecked, beaten, stoned, imprisoned, the list could go on and on.  What did Paul do in the midst of his issues? Acts 16 tells the story.  Just after being beaten, Paul and Silas have been thrown into jail and then placed in stocks in the inner prison.  At midnight, they pray and then, to top that off, they begin to sing praises to God.  And you know what God does?  He gets so happy with the glory Paul and Silas are bringing His name that the whole earth shakes and trembles, taking out all the doors of the prison and breaking the bands of the prisoners.

So Paul held rehearsals on becoming content.  He took the practice sessions seriously and I believe this is how he learned contentment- through the exercise of praise.

What if we held our own little praise workout sessions?  I frequently say that God and I have our best conversations when I'm at home scrubbing the toilets and showers. Here are 5 ideas for you to create continual habits of praising God, thereby building the skill of contentment.

1. When washing dishes, or placing them in the dishwasher, praise God that He has washed us from our sin and we are whiter than snow. (Ps. 51:7)

2. While wiping off fingerprints from windows and mirrors, give praise for the future day the Lord will wipe away all our tears. (Rev. 21:4)

3. After drinking a glass of clean, cool water, praise Jesus for being the Living Water- and that we never have to thirst. (Jn. 4:10&11)

4.  During a drive in the car, praise God for His constant mapping and continual direction. (Ps. 3:6)

5. As you close your eyes to rest on your pillow, give God praise for the opportunity to rest physically and praise Him for the ability to rest and wait on His plan for your life. (Ps. 37:7)

Can you add a daily activity and praise verse to our list today? We'd love to read it in the comments below!

Rachel- RachelWojo.com

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