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How Well Are You Caring For Your Children's Most Important Spiritual Resource?



When I hear this word, the first definitions I think about are the practical ones: Water.  Electricity.  Food.  Money.  We all know we can't survive for long without these.

As moms, we're also aware of other types of resources that are necessary as we nurture our families:  Friends. Church community.  Reliable sources of information.  And if our hearts have been awakened to the greatness of God's creativity and wisdom, our list has expanded.  Now we know that for soul-building we also need great books.  Beautiful music.  Art that expresses truth about our world and the spiritual realities that build and sustain it.

As I was out walking the other morning, I tuned in to Sally Clarkson's new podcast, At Home with Sally.  She and Kristen Kill were chatting about life with kids and suddenly she said something that drew me up short:

"You are your children's most important spiritual resource." ~ Sally Clarkson

Oh, dear.

Has anyone ever said that to you, dear mama?  Read it again:  YOU are your children's most important spiritual resource.  So, let's think about that a bit, shall we?

What happens if your children's most important spiritual resource ... becomes depleted?

Breaks down physically?

Loses the ability to offer life?

When God created woman, Genesis 3:20 tells us Adam called her Eve, "because she was the mother of all the living."  We were created not only to bear life in our wombs, to nurture life in our arms, but to bring life to those around us; to be the heart of our homes.  Our families draw from us and look to us to point them to Christ--the ultimate Source of all.  As we are faithful to offer spiritual food and guidance and support to our children, we model for them the fact that God is available to them, that He cares and provides for them; not only for their physical needs, but also the emotional and spiritual ones.

We are vitally, foundationally, incredibly important to the futures of our families, our communities, and our world. 

So today, perhaps spend a few moments with the Lord pondering Sally's statement and then ask yourself:  How well am I caring for my children's most important spiritual resource?  Am I nurturing my own soul, that I might continue to pour out?  Am I caring for my body, so I'm functioning well and around as long as possible for my family?  What can I do today that will reflect this perhaps new-found knowledge?


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