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Where is God on Your Schedule?

photo credit to by little blue hen Stacy Flicker Creative Commons

I used to sit down to make out my schedule and I would write down all the things I needed to do, places I needed to go, school that I needed to teach and on and on with my daily activities. And then I would squeeze God in there somewhere, I mean surely I could fit HIM right? I’m ashamed to admit that many times I didn’t, usually HE was pushed aside and many days would go by and I had not even prayed until my head hit the pillow where I usually fell asleep!

Where was the joy in my day?

Many times we say God is first in our lives,, but we don’t truly make HIM top priority. We make excuses- we have small children, we are just so busy, we have a larger family then most, we homeschool, and on and on we go but we have a hard time understanding why things are stressful and hard.  We need God in our day, we are missing fellowship with HIM and we need God so much for strength to be a mom and a wife.

I realized that I couldn’t go on like that day after day, I had to put my God time in my schedule just like I would loading the dishwasher.  I needed to write HIM in so that I made it a priority.  It was the most important thing in my schedule.  I found when I did, the rest of the day moved more smoothly, sometimes it even seemed God gave me more time in my day.

Time in the Word and time in prayer is our spiritual food, without it we feel depleted and empty. God is the one to get us through the fussy babies, strong willed toddlers, a student that isn’t getting a subject, housecleaning and all the ups and downs of our day. We can’t do it in our own strength, we get weak and tired and our days seem to fall apart, sometimes even before they begin.

God knows where we are at in life.  He knows when we have little ones and we can only get prayer time with him in the shower or while we are running errands or nursing a baby.  He knows and understands our roles as moms and HE will meet us where ever we need to meet him and for as long as we need him.  When you’re making out your schedules don’t forget to make time for the One who will fill you with joy, trust me, it won’t be the dishwasher.

Angela Richter                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Angela's Analysis

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